We get asked this all the time. I think it’s partially because when people look at us, we are not exactly retirement age, so they are curious about how we fund our cruising. Most of the time, I jokingly tell them we are running from the law, and that’s all they need to know – haha (not true, by the way). But if you look around the internet, you’ll find many people wanting to cut the lines and try a different lifestyle. One full of adventure, challenge, travel, and perhaps much closer to nature. This is pretty much our life. We are not funded via a trust fund (I wish) nor did we win the lottery (second wish), or inherit money. We did, however, come to this lifestyle with some money and some skills. Here is how we make money while cruising around the world.
The Source
The primary way we make money is via the US Stock market. I know, it’s volatile, dangerous, a crapshoot at best. I get this a lot. Years ago, I searched for a solution to take some of the risk out because if you think about it, I just need access to the internet, and I can make money – in theory. A friend of mine on Red Rover shared with me a solution he found, so I looked into it. It is a group of investors, led by Pat and Lorin, called Wander Financial. I know there are lots of options out there for trading, but this one suited me.
This fits around our life
First, both Pat and Lorin live a lifestyle like we do. Pat travels with his family full-time, for like the last 20 years. Lorin is the same, although he primarily lives on land. I didn’t have to buy some proprietary software to join; this approach can be problematic with slow internet. Their process uses WhatsApp, chat rooms, and email to update the group on trade opportunities. These are things I can access quite easily from just about any device, so I am not tied down to my boat. The killer draw for me was they have a process to follow because, quite frankly, I didn’t know anything about trading. So, a process put together by people with decades of experience, that is easy to follow and, more importantly, works for me – am I making money.
Wander Options Navigator
This process I am referring to is called the Wander Options Navigator or WON for short. It goes something like this: Pat and Lorin have provided a list of stocks to review each day; consistency is key here. I run through this list every day at the same time. What I am looking for, via my Trading View Charts, is the presence of an indicator called, you guessed it, the WON indicator. This information, along with the other trends embedded into the chart, tells me whether to buy or not. Now, I can’t tell you everything because some of this is proprietary to Pat and Lorin, their life’s work. There are other details like how large the trades are, what platforms are used, how to mitigate risk in each trade, etc. Wander Financial provides all of this and tons of other educational articles and videos. But here is what matters most to me: does it make money for me? The answer is YES.
Do we make money
For Tami and me, we normally cover the average cost of cruising each month. How much is this for us? Between $3K-$4K USD. Often, very often, we actually add money to our savings account. Every so often, we have a big month, then we go to the boatyard – kidding (not really). Does it cost money to join? Yes. I find I pay for that very quickly. So much so that I have been with Wander Financial for nearly 4 years.
I could go on and on, but for sure, you are getting bored at this point, so let me wrap this up. Every day, over my morning coffee, I spend no more than an hour reviewing the list, making trades, and managing my risk. This is how I do it; the beauty is you have the freedom to build your own process around theirs. Is it fool proof? No! I had some issues starting out that, quite frankly, were mine. Not reading carefully, not knowing how the online tools worked, or frankly, not paying attention. In the end, I would not be recommending them if it wasn’t something we use and depend on. We wouldn’t recommend them if they were not real people, living like we do and having success. You are not going to be the next Warren Buffet; that is not the goal. The goal is to live life to the fullest and make some money so you can do that on your terms.
Get Started Today
Pat and Lorin have been kind enough to offer an incentive to take a leap of faith like I did. Use this referral, and you will get $200 off your first year! That’s a good deal, trust me.
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