Local Hospitality

Chief Jared, Scott and Uncle Bob are removing the flat tire from the rental car on the side of the beach road

During our travels we always say the “people make the place.” This is exactly what happened in Samoa.  We had rented a car from a local friend here in Samoa, Arthur.  The first time we met him was in American Samoa.  Lovely man with a quick smile and always a story to tell, embodying the warm local hospitality of the region.  We decided to head out and explore with a couple of our friends. Driving on the right side of the road, and car, was an adventure! We visited waterfalls, swam in a sink hole (ocean trench), did a coastal lava flow hike, and had street food with locals.  Once we left To Sua Ocean Trench we decided to go all the way around the island.

The long way

It was like driving through the country.  We dodged dogs, people, and wild pigs.  We had just come around the far eastern corner of the island when the car began to vibrate.  Scott found a place to pull over and I hopped out to check the tires.  Sure enough, the right-side front tire was flat.  Now the adventure begins……

We found the spare tire underneath the vehicle and found all the gear to change the tire. The guys began to loosen the lug nuts, and realized the tool was damaged. We were worried that this process would strip the lug nuts.  We were able to loosen all the lug nuts except for one temperamental one.  Suddenly a local appeared to help. 

Here comes the calvary

This local man called a friend, and he appeared to help too, we will call him Bob.  Bob left and came back with multiple lug wrenches, all of which did not fit. Of course, when things like this happen the mobile service is spotty.  My phone only had 3G plus one bar.  Our friend Jan fared a bit better, so we called Arthur to let him know of our predicament. He wanted to know our location, hmm not sure.  Bob, who spoke very little english, was able to talk to Arthur in their native Samoan language.  Once back on the phone Arthur told us not to worry, that local people will take care of us.

Scott left with Bob in his truck and returned with yet another Samoan.  His name was Chief Jared, yes he is the chief of this island village!  They would not let our guys help. They made many trips to various homes to find this precarious lug wrench too, one that fit.  Finally, they found the right socket and were able to get the tire free.  The spare had seen better days but was better than the other alternative. 

Fa’a Samoa – The Samoan Way

Chief Jared was worried about the spare and wanted to call us on our way to make sure we made it back to Apia, about 30 miles. If we had any problems, Chief Jared would pick us up.  The sun had set by now, but now it was time for the next adventure.  Driving on a donut spare, at night on the other side of the car and road.   During our drive the phone rang from both Arthur and Chief Jared to see how we were doing. The generosity of the villagers is unparallel.  When Scott went with Bob he asked where he was from.  After some small talk Bob said to Scott, “who knew my Samoan life would cross paths with your American life today.”  Turns out Bob is actaully Uncel Bob, Chief Jared’s uncle – Matagofie pei!! Beautiful life.

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  1. Steve Felt Avatar
    Steve Felt

    Thank you for sharing this great experience.

    1. Scott Avatar

      Of course. Such an amazing group of people. We have really enjoyed being here in the Samoan Islands.

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